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  2. Il faut se procurer un outil magique qui s'appelle une Dolphin Bar 😉 c'est une Sensor bar de Wii mais avec une prise USB
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  4. Si le jeu avait reçu un meilleur marketing et un meilleur soutient financier, il aurait pu largement être un des classiques de la PS2. Il n'en pas moins un excellent jeu, proposant une sorte de multiverse au film légendaire. Que ce soit la bande son, les véhicules, les missions terre/mer, les intéractions, le mode "rage" , les idées sont excellentes et le rendu est vraiment jouissif, mais comme dit plus haut le manque de moyen a bridé un peu le contenu, qui avait de quoi faire quelque chose d'incroyable. ON VEUT UN REMAKE
  5. Très bon jeu! Beaucoup trop court en revanche! Mais le mélange entre un très bon RPG et l'univers de South Park est réussi à 200%! Je le note 4 sur 5 à cause de la durée de vie famélique mais sinon il est excellent!
  6. Yesterday
  7. RomStation

    Smash Remix

    ✔ Mise à jour des fichiers de jeu par GambierBae : Smash Remix (v.1.5.2)
    Play alone or online with friends and enjoy the coolest sports the winter season has to offer. Loads of fast-paced fun guaranteed!

    - 8 exciting disiplines: Snowboard Cross, Freeride Skiing, Downhill Skiing, Sky Flying, Shorttrack Speed Skating, Blathlon, Bobsled and Figure Skating
    - Full online support for gripping multiplayer matches
    - Develop your game character in career mode
    - Global highscore lists
  9. Impossible de lancer le jeux
  10. It's a battle for the finish!

    Put your racing skills to the ultimate test in awesomely powerful super trucks!

    - Barrel across unique landscapes in 12 action-packed international circuits
    - Race day or night in varying conditions
    - Play a full season championship or practice on individual tracks
    - Instant action replay available at any point during any race
    - Go head to head against friends in multi-player mode
  11. This is the latest in a series of Mahjong Tournament games which have appeared on previous consoles and handhelds. These are single player games (as with card games Mahjong player have hidden hands, so multiplayer with one screen wouldn't work too well) with virtual opponents; online play would have been welcome, but isn't included in this competently executed Mahjong game from Koei.
  12. Comment transférer la sauvegarde de la 1.1 à la 1.2 c'est possible ? ou il faut tous recommencer ?
  13. Plunge directly into the trendy and electric atmosphere of Midnight Bowling. With awesome playing sensations, prepare for ultrafun gaming thanks to a new physics engine that lets you control your throws precisely and easily with your Wii Remote controller and make spectacular spins that will impress your opponents. Face up to three friends in the fun Party mode, where your playing abilities will be put to the test. Whatever your experience level, launch yourself into the immersive Career mode, where you will play in the trendiest bowling spots on the planet against charismatic characters that will give you a run for your money.
  14. Plunge directly into the trendy and electric atmosphere of Midnight Bowling. With awesome playing sensations, prepare for ultrafun gaming thanks to a new physics engine that lets you control your throws precisely and easily with your Wii Remote controller and make spectacular spins that will impress your opponents. Face up to three friends in the fun Party mode, where your playing abilities will be put to the test. Whatever your experience level, launch yourself into the immersive Career mode, where you will play in the trendiest bowling spots on the planet against charismatic characters that will give you a run for your money.
  15. Dino Stalker is a lightgun game based on the Dino Crisis series. It is similar in concept to Resident Evil: Survivor in that your character is free to move around the environment rather than being on rails as in most lightgun games. Players can also play it as a first-person shooter using the standard DualShock 2 controller.

    You play a WWII fighter pilot who is teleported out of his plane to a land full of dinosaurs where he must fight to survive and to rescue a young woman. A variety of weapons can be used in the game but the player can only carry one weapon at a time. When the game is completed a two-player mode is unlocked.
  16. Sur l'échelle des Furries, on est bon 😺
  17. A side scrolling shoot em up for the Playstation 1 (PSX) created with PSn00bSDK.
  18. A side scrolling shoot em up for the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive created with SGDK.
  19. Si, ça fonctionne, faut juste appuyez sur "F2" puis sélectionner "Game Mode" et valider.
  20. Le jeu plante toujours juste après avoir vu la première cinématique du jeu, help svp
  21. Hunting Season Is Now Open!

    Experience the excitement of a real hunt through an unequalled level of fidelity: rife in hand, binoculars slung over your shoulder, dog on your heels, learn to recognize each species according to its preferred territory, habits and behavior. In order to carry out a successful hunt, you must take into account the sound, weather and direction of the wind and the hunting regulations in force.
  22. Swing into the jungle with George of the Jungle. George lives in and protects the jungle of Mbebwe, a wild playground packed with quirky creatures, vicious villains and wacky wilderness adventures. Hang out with his best buddy, an Ape named Ape, his friends Ursula and Magnolia, his faithful dog Shep (actually an elephant) and Tookie Tookie Bird. Laugh your way through an assortment of obstacles while collecting bonus items along the way. Just watch out for that tree!
  23. Swing into the jungle with George of the Jungle. George lives in and protects the jungle of Mbebwe, a wild playground packed with quirky creatures, vicious villains and wacky wilderness adventures. Hang out with his best buddy, an Ape named Ape, his friends Ursula and Magnolia, his faithful dog Shep (actually an elephant) and Tookie Tookie Bird. Laugh your way through an assortment of obstacles while collecting bonus items along the way. Just watch out for that tree!
  24. Swing into the jungle with George of the Jungle. George lives in and protects the jungle of Mbebwe, a wild playground packed with quirky creatures, vicious villains and wacky wilderness adventures. Hang out with his best buddy, an Ape named Ape, his friends Ursula and Magnolia, his faithful dog Shep (actually an elephant) and Tookie Tookie Bird. Laugh your way through an assortment of obstacles while collecting bonus items along the way. Just watch out for that tree!
  25. Swing into the jungle with George of the Jungle. George lives in and protects the jungle of Mbebwe, a wild playground packed with quirky creatures, vicious villains and wacky wilderness adventures. Hang out with his best buddy, an Ape named Ape, his friends Ursula and Magnolia, his faithful dog Shep (actually an elephant) and Tookie Tookie Bird. Laugh your way through an assortment of obstacles while collecting bonus items along the way. Just watch out for that tree!
  26. Swing into the jungle with George of the Jungle. George lives in and protects the jungle of Mbebwe, a wild playground packed with quirky creatures, vicious villains and wacky wilderness adventures. Hang out with his best buddy, an Ape named Ape, his friends Ursula and Magnolia, his faithful dog Shep (actually an elephant) and Tookie Tookie Bird. Laugh your way through an assortment of obstacles while collecting bonus items along the way. Just watch out for that tree!
  27. Bibinou67


    Tu branches, tu testes (Gamepad Tester), si ça fonctionne tu configures sur l'émulateur (et tu essayes) 😉.
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